Showing posts with the label picturesShow All
 Give the ones you love wings tofly roots to come back and reasons to stay  -
great mind -
Join the company of Lions rather than assume the lead among Foxes -
Forget who hurt you yesterday, but don't forget those who love you everyday -
all the advice in the world will never help you until you help yourself -
I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed -
live each day as if your life had just begun -
Some people will pretend to care just so they can get a better seat to watch your struggle. Every helping hand isn't always there to help -
don't take things presonlly what other people say about you is  their realirty not yours -
everything is going to be alright maybe not today but eventually -
hope -
friends are family you choose for yourself -
Ants dragging worm -
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the ste  -
 Love It Thank you for being my friend...A good friend is cheaper than therapy -
Don`t let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace -
 Sometimes removing some people out of your life makes room for better people -
Be kind and be truthful and your life will be fruitful -
11 -
When you have a good heart -